Sunday, June 16, 2013

Camping the Coast

checked another adventure off our list

I've come to realize that flying a kite is a lot more fun and less tiring in a place with consistent wind.
 Look at those baby blues...

Question: why are girls still pulling this face (in the second pic.) in pictures? It's  the funniest thing and seems be passed down to each new set of teenage girls. Now don't go lookin' too far back on my Facebook or you may unearth this very pose but I had to leave some pictures that would make my future children point and laugh right??

Life is sooo sweet. This was the perfect thing for us. Life moves so much slower without anything but nature, Dan, and a good book. I have come to the realization that life is about as hard as you make it. We can choose to busy ourselves with gadgets, keeping up with the Jones', and about a million other things or we can sit back and notice that regardless of what we may consider to be is sweet. 

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